Thursday, March 26, 2009

Do Your Leftovers Look Like This?

If you're reading my blog, you probably read my Pork Tenderloin recipe (click here if you missed it). Well, as mentioned, the one piece of pork was enough to feed four people, but we're only two in the Diva household (minus the Adorable Monster). And sadly, he only eats dog food. So needless to say, I had leftover pork. I also had leftover grits, which thinking quickly, I spread into a pan to make polenta, knowing it would be great to eat the next night. Well, tonight the leftover fairy came calling. Or maybe it was my boyfriend, Kuzak, famished from a hard day at the office. Quickly, using my cooking superpowers, I sliced up the polenta and grilled it in my cast iron pan (see my Amazon store). Then, I sauteed up some greens and sliced the leftover tenderloin, serving it over the greens and polenta. The resulting dish was ab fab! Do you leftovers look like this??

Domestic Diva's Grilled Polenta

2 cups cooked grits
2 tbsp olive oil


Take the grits and spread them evenly into the bottom of a small pyrex dish. Refrigerate for at least an hour or until the grits set. Can be kept overnight.

Remove from the fridge and cut into slices. Meanwhile, heat the olive oil in a cast iron or frying pan over medium high heat. Add the slices, cooking on each side until crispy and golden brown, about 5 minutes. Serve!

Note: Grilled Polenta is a great accompaniment to fish, meat, or even for breakfast if served with eggs! It can also be a delicious appetizer topped with just about anything you can dream up (tomatoes and mozzarella, mushrooms, etc.).

Wine Pairing Notes: Tablas Creek 2005 Espirit De Beaucastel

Diva Rating: 3 1/2 stars (out of 5 stars)

One of our favorite wines in the whole world is the famous Chateauneuf De Paup Chateau Beaucastel, an absolutely amazing wine, however little do most people know, but the famous Rhone winemakers also have a fabulous California production called Tablas Creek. Both biodynamic and solar powered, Tablas Creek produces delectable Rhone varietals at an affordable price. Kuzak and I have been buying their wines by the case for years. Tonight, we opened a bottle from our cellar - the 2005 Espirit De Beaucastel. The 2005's are drinking beautifully right now, and this wine was no exception, possessing both great fruit and great tannins. This wine, decidedly French-tasting, is mostly Mourvedre like its more famous cousin form Chateau de Beaucastel, a rarity in the wine world. I highly recommend checking out Tablas Creek for its quality, environmental soundness, and price. Even Robert Parker gave this wine 92 points, and it was only $35 on release. I can't believe these wines aren't more expensive, so look into them now while the getting is good. Trust me, you won't be disappointed!

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