Monday, August 30, 2010

Meatless Monday: Late Summer Salad with Sweet Corn, Romano Beans, and Macadamia Nuts

Divas, it's Meatless Monday time again!

Today, I'm bringing you a salad inspired by a dish I had at Cube, one of my favorite Los Angeles restaurants. The salad is made from Blue Lake green beans, Romano beans, sweet corn, and toasted Macadamia nuts. I got the nuts from Oh! Nuts, a fabulous wholesaler of nuts and dried fruit. They were huge and rich, just how you want Macadamia nuts to be. I toasted them, reserving half of them to make into a paste to whisk into the dressing, and chopping the other half to toss into the salad.

This dish turned out so fabulous! It's healthy, full of fresh summer produce, and healthy fats, and protein from the nuts. Macadamia nuts "contain 78% monounsaturated fats, the highest of any oil including olive oil," and no cholesterol, making them a great choice for your heart. I finished the salad with some shaved parmesan reggiano cheese. This dish is a true winner!

Late Summer Salad with Sweet Corn, Romano Beans, and Macadamia Nuts
Serves 4 people
Cooking time 10 minutes 
Print Recipe

1 cup Romano beans, blanched and chopped
1 cup Blue Lake green beans, blanched and chopped
1/2 cup sweet corn kernels
3/4 cup Macadamia nuts, toasted (hazelnuts would be a great substitute)
shaved parmesan reggiano for garnishing

1 tablespoon white wine vinegar
2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
Macadamia nut paste (see directions below)
salt & pepper

Place half of the toasted Macadamia nuts in a small food processor and grind into a paste. Add the vinegar and olive oil and blend together. Season to taste with salt and pepper.

To make the salad, chop the remaining macadamia nuts into halves or quarters. Place the Macadamia nuts, Romano beans, green beans, and corn in a bowl. Add the dressing and toss to combine. Check seasoning (salt and pepper).

To plate, scoop some of the salad into a bowl. Top with shaved parmesan. Enjoy!

Source for Ingredients
raw Macadamia nuts from Oh! Nuts

Blue Lake green beans and extra virgin olive oil from Hollywood Farmers Market (Sunday)

yellow Romano beans and sweet corn from West Hollywood Farmers Market (Monday)

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